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Page history last edited by CPN 8 years, 9 months ago

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Laughing Waters  is home to about 110 of us  and the numbers are fast increasing! We are very happy residents of this beautiful layout.








We manage our Sewage


Water Recharge


We laid our own [roads]


Our efforts at [Park]




Laughing Waters is for those who enjoy the cacophony of birds; the audacity of invading squirrels and the sound of wind rushing through the trees and the reeds.

It is a good example of man trying to re-establish harmony with nature even

as we try to multiply ways in which to restore the lush surroundings and the gifts of nature.

Our Kids at the Tree planting Drive - with a goal of 2000 Trees at LW.

Pictures of various events Here....



Community  efforts on Afforestation,  Eco-friendly maintenance activities





Our Birds


Our Trees << yes! we have 1188 of them!>>


DNA Reports US![click here]



  • BBMP has started to collect Betterment/Regularisation charges from the Sept 15 th onwards.  Pay and Regularise.  This has been shelved by the govt. Wait for more details.




Want to be part of the community? Visit LW to contact the association, check for any dues to be paid,  STP connectivity to your plot.  


*For official website or information - please call the members of the association.

* Join Our Discussion Group forum - Ask questions and debate.





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